black swan
/blak/ /swän/
The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight
Many young voters today in the U.S. were too young at the time of the attacks on this country in the dawning of the 21st century, to have reasonable opinions of their own about those attacks. As a member of a generation that was just taking the helm of this country from the previous generation, I find it hard to reason the attacks, myself. The generation before us spent their time battling the march of communism from Korea to Vietnam and then comes religious extremists from a minority religion to attack us.
We could call these events, "black swan events" and they define the delineation between the generations. My generation was taught to respect the symbols of our country such as the flag and the servicemen who fight for our ideals. On the same token we were given a revisionist history of the events that occurred in our recent past, namely the Vietnam War. We had to hate the war but not our countrymen who fought against socialism.
We have these labels of generations; "The Greatest Generation", "The Babyboomers", "Generation X", "Generation Y", "Millennials", each defined by how they interpret past events that the previous generation lived. This is the "black swan theory".
We cannot define this theory by broadly painted events. The Great War was not a black swan event, however the assassination of Ferdinand was the event. World War II was not the event, the attack at Pearl Harbor was the event.
To find a commonality in all of these events, each generation will come up with a different theory. To boil it down with reason and objectivity, aren't all of these events connected by imperialism?
All major powers seek empire and many have held empires. Let us agree, if for only a moment, that the major wars of the past century were fought against empire. Even Muslims fighting against the United States empire.
What is the result of global empire? Well, if it's based on the ideology that you hold dear, it's a great world of unison. If it is based on an ideology anathema to yours, then it is an oppressive world of division. You're always going to have thesis and antithesis. Every clash between two ideologies leads to an event that we retroflect upon in order to make sense of it, or to bring the event into some form of synthesis.
Before I lose you, everything has its antithesis. Hot has cold, light has dark. In the middle, is the grey area, the commonality, the compromise, the synthesis. "Black swan" theory suggests that we are always looking for that compromise to lessen the blow of some catastrophic event.
The terrorist attacks using fully fueled aircraft to destroy human lives as well as infrastructure, was a black swan event in that it lead to a reactive resolve of war against muslim extremists. Yes, we heard it over and over "the resolve of the American people". However, a generation came up hearing that it was our empire-building that was the reason for war in Iraq, never mind the hunt for Bin Laden, they focused on Iraq. Their only rationalization was that the US was truly evil and probably deserved to be attacked. This thought, essentially, became a paradigm overnight and was exacerbated by the election of the socialist Obama. Here we were a few years after a major attack on our soil, against our freedoms, and we elected a man who made it his goal to have the government take control of, not just the means of production, but everything about American life.
The irrational thought of the last decade paints our country as the source of evil in the world. This thought wasn't just contained within our own borders, it was widely held by many, if not all, up and coming socialist countries.
Nikita Khrushchev, debated with, then secretary of state, Nixon in what has become known as the "Kitchen Debate". It was an open clash between communism and capitalism while touring a model home of the future. Khrushchev speaks of the future as a world embracing communism as an inevitability. Since that meeting, the world has seen the collapse of socialist republics at the behest of the United States.
We were the killers of socialism on a global scale. It has only been in recent years that many of the citizens of this country have renounced that label, vehemently admonishing capitalism. The rest of the world seems to be going in the other direction and throwing off socialism with BRIEXIT and the hyperinflation collapses that are plaguing socialist countries.
This, short, turnaround to being anti-capitalist leaves this country alone in a world that is embracing capitalism. We are a capitalist system, so it isn't going to hurt the country to fully embrace it once again. This, is the newest black swan event.
The 2016 elections saw a huge group of conservative presidential candidates get wiped out by a pure capitalist business man and the socialists are blaming Russia. This statement about 2016 shouldn't need any further explanation into what happened with the election. This was a black swan event perpetrated by foreign powers to stop the march of socialism in this country.
So, the return of this country to its rightful position as socialist-killer is going to be muddied by the irrational thought of a rigged election that, ironically, killed socialism.
So, we need all of the information to make a rational conclusion of recent events. We are not getting this information. The media has become a government mouthpiece, an activist tool. The commentary is designed to push your thought in a particular direction. After all, they wouldn't like to go the way of viewer attrition as is the way of free market capitalism. No, they want government control, to take money from you to prop them up and to continue the narrative. That, my friends, is yellow journalism, an effective tool of the socialists from Marx to Castro. You see, if one can paint a perfect yet fictitious world, people will want to by it, consume it and make it a reality against every odd. That's the sacrifice of the proletariat.
The greatest capitalist president since George Washington, sits in the White House as we speak and is making America Great Again by returning us to the socialist-killing country we once were. This is our Black Swan Event.
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